A Siena College poll conducted May 7 – 11, 2023, among 810 New York State registered voters reported that only 53% of Jewish voters as a whole responded with a Yes to the question: “Is New York State on the right track, or is it headed in the wrong direction?” Only 36% of NY Jews said it was headed in the right direction.
Among Catholics, 60% said wrong direction, 31% right direction; and among Protestants, 48% said wrong track, and 42% right track.
The largely blue state did significantly better only with African Americans: only 26% believed it was headed in the wrong direction, while 56% liked the state’s current direction.
Things look even worse for the Democrats among NY State Jewish voters when it came to the question: “Is the United States on the right track, or is it headed in the wrong direction?” An amazing 59% of Jewish New Yorkers said it is, and only 28% believe it isn’t.
However, things turned around when the poll authors asked how respondents felt about President Joe Biden: 58% of Jewish registered NY voters were favorable, and only 39% unfavorable. And regarding the presumed GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, NY Jews are 67% unfavorable, and only 31% favorable.
Governor Kathy Hochul didn’t fare so well with NY Jews: only 34% are favorable, and 49% unfavorable. Neither did Mayor Eric Adams: 34% of Jewish voters like him, and 45% don’t.
NY Jews really don’t like the United States Supreme Court: only 28% favorable, 58% unfavorable.
Speaking of judges, how do Jewish registered voters feel about giving judges more discretion to set bail for offenders accused of serious crimes? A whopping 63% like it, compared with only 14% who don’t.
About the law mandating that all new buildings seven stories and under built after 2026, and all new buildings taller than seven stories built after 2029, must use electricity rather than gas for heating and cooking – is it good or bad for NY? 39% of the Jews said Good, 45% said Bad.
On increasing the minimum wage by two dollars over the next three years and then tying future increases to the cost of living, 65% of Jewish voters: Good for NY, 26%: Bad.
Allocating one hundred million dollars to support abortion providers and reproductive health care, 59% of Jewish voters: Good for NY, 32%: Bad.
Finally, more Jews than any other group, except those identifying outright as liberals, said increasing funding by one billion dollars for mental health services was good for NY: 87% (liberals: 89%). Only 3% of Jewish voters in NY State are against it.
This is the breakdown of the respondents by every conceivable category (almost):