Police Interrogate Son of Haredi MK on Beit Shemesh Election Fraud

A gag order has been imposed on reporting details of the investigation, which means police are making progress.

Haredi Activist Demands ‘Ten Rights to Be my Mayor’

They can be done by the office of the mayor and the mayor can choose to make these as a priority, and see it through.

InterNations Ranks Israel 4th in the World in Hospitality to Foreigners

For a state that goes out of its way to discriminate in favor of one group, Israel receives high grades in treatment of immigrants of all colors and creeds, beating out the UK, the US and Saudi Arabia.

Anti-Semitic Brooklyn Teens Attack Jewish Driver in Midwood

Two teens in Brooklyn yelled slurs against Jews. One threw a rock at a Jewish driver, breaking the car window.

Jewish Families Preview Next Year’s Cars at Javits on Chol Hamoed Passover

Families always face the dilemma of planning fun and appropriate activities during intermediate days of Passover.

Tel Aviv Central Bus Station Slated for Closure by Dec. 5

The station is in legal proceedings in the absence of a license and required permits from two ministries and the Fire and Rescue Service.

Court Upholds Citi Field’s Ban on Sale of Kosher Food on Shabbat

A federal appeals court told a kosher hot dog vendor in New York that its agreement with Citi Field precludes it from selling kosher...

NYC Health Officials Alert Brooklyn Jewish Community About Parasitic Infection

Symptoms of “crypto” include diarrhea, stomachache and low-grade fever.

Jerusalem to Open ‘Gazelle Valley’ Park Before Passover

The city of Jerusalem will open Gazelle Valley -- its unique Middle Eastern version of Central Park -- next Monday, just in time for Passover vacation.

Right Meets Left at Princeton Jewish Center

Prowiser said: "if you are for freedom and democracy and you are not for Israel, you are a hypocrite.”

A Slice of Jewish Life in Jerusalem’s Ancient City

Shoshana Selavan, chairperson of the Old City's Jewish Quarter community, launches a new column on Jewish Life in the Old City.

4 Injured in Dead Sea Hotel Fire

The cause of the fire is not clear.

Test Poll: Kelly Would Shake Up Race

Plus bonus video: Anthony Weiner at The Jewish Press Wed. night conference

Arab Thieves Steal Beehives… You Just Know What Happened Next

Police discovered the two thieves had been stung by their hijacked cargo, and were now in the process of desperately trying to remove the bees.

Tel Aviv is Finalist in Bloomberg Philanthropies 2021 Global Mayors Challenge

"Without culture, we don't have a nation, a country, nor humanity. . .If the younger generation does not engage in the arts, we are facing short and long term threats."

12-Mosque Hamtramck, Michigan Now Has Muslim-Majority Council

Most of the women on the streets wear hijabs, or headscarves, and niqabs, veils that leave visible only the area around the eyes.

Third Largest City in Norway Approves Anti-Israel Boycott

The city of Trondheim, Norway officially implements an anti-Israel fiscal boycott, and urges its residents to do the same at home.

Karmiel Police On the Job: Burglar Who Broke Into Senior’s Home Caught Same Night

The elderly lady's report was taken seriously. Karmiel police tracked down the thief.

2 de Blasio Racist Aides Resign, Rest Must Lay Off Twitter

“If Bill de Blasio is the company he keeps, his mayoral campaign could be in serious trouble.”

Brown University Probes ‘Violent, Threatening’ Anti-Semitic, Homophobic Graffiti

Brown University students woke up to vicious anti-Semitic graffiti at a Jewish fraternity last Friday.

North Korea Launches Short-Range Ballistic Missiles During US-SK War Games

“The U.S. Pacific Command determined the three ballistic missile launches from North Korea did not pose a threat to Guam.”

PM Netanyahu’s Prayer of Thanks at Western Wall for Historic Victory

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took his family and went straight to the Western Wall in his first post-election public appearance Wednesday to say a...

Lakewood Jewish Community Homes Flooded in New Jersey

The "Chaverim" Jewish assistance organization reported many people were trapped in flooded vehicles, and that numerous basements were totally under water.

Arabs Terrorize Worshipers in Jerusalem’s Ancient Shiloach Yemenite Synagogue

The ancient Yemenite synagogue in Jerusalem's Shiloach area came under repeated attack during prayers over Shavuot.

Spirit Airlines Flight Cancelled Due to Smoke

Spirit Airlines Flight 197 from NYC to Ft. Lauderdale was cancelled at La Guardia on Saturday due to smoke.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/police-interrogate-son-of-haredi-mk-on-beit-shemesh-election-fraud/2013/10/30/

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