ZAKA’s Disgraced Yehuda Meshi Zahav Dead at 62

In 2003, Meshi Zahav lit, as one of the founders of ZAKA, a beacon at the torch lighting ceremony on Mount Herzl.

Dershowitz to Play Trump in Hillary’s Debate Prep

Mark Green told WNYC the Democratic candidate should have a team of one overall manager, one surrogate, and a team of ten advisers who remind her to smile a lot.

Evangelical Leader: Stop GOD TV Missionary Broadcasts Aimed At Jews in Israel

"Our only mandate to the Jewish people is to love and support them because they are God's chosen people."

Facebook Bans Convicted Anti-Semite Dieudonné

His quenelle signature gesture—a kind of Heil Hitler across the chest, became notorious in 2013.

Feiglin: Next Time I Climb Temple Mount May Be as Prime Minister

"The change that caused me not to be able to enter was strategic, not tactical."

Madonna to Perform at Eurovision Finals in Tel Aviv

“I believe that the performance of Madonna, accompanied by dozens of professional backup dancers, will make a significant contribution to the success of the event and the strengthening of Israel’s positive branding in the world,” said Israeli-Canadian billionaire Sylvan Adams.

State Dept Press Corps Shapes US Response to Netanyahu’s UN Speech

The blatantly hostile state department press corps belittled and mischaracterized Netanyahu's UN speech.

Nova Massacre Survivor to Represent Israel at Eurovision Contest

Raphael survived the Nova massacre by hiding under the dead bodies and pretending to be dead.

Jews Taking Over the Temple Mount with Photoshop

These are the latest contributions from the readers.

God Bless You, Robbie Williams, You Gave Us Much Nachas

Williams arrived in Israel at a time when several A-list entertainers have postponed their appearances for security reasons.

Perfect Chanukah Gift: Harmless Jewish Men Wall Calendar 2021

The calendar is all about the stereotypical ideal, and harmless, Jewish man. Now if you send them to Israel and give them an Uzi...

UNRWA Spokesman Calls for Boycott of Israeli Paper

OUTRAGEOUS: UNRWA call for boycott of Israeli newspaper may also violate State Dept. neutrality agreement

Crowley’s Interference Saved Obama From Another Shellacking

Candy Crowley, the moderator of the presidential debate at Hofstra University on October 16, interfered in this U.S. presidential race in a way no one ever has before and - let's hope - no one ever will again. Crowley loudly supported President Barack Obama's version of reality, and contradicted Governor Mitt Romney's recollection of the actual reality of what the president said in the Rose Garden regarding the events in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2011.

NYT ‘Helping’ Hamas, Reveals IDF Locations, Tactics Daily

On Monday (October 30), the Grey Lady laid out a map of Israeli military positions in Gaza, including type of vehicles and approximate size involved.

President Rivlin Celebrates 81st Birthday with Cartoon Exhibition of Israeli Presidents

The exhibition, titled “Basic Law/Laugh: President of the State – Israeli presidents in cartoons,” features 24 cartoons of Israeli presidents over the years.

Twitter Locks Accounts with Jewish Stars for Displaying ‘Hateful Imagery’

Recently, Twitter refused to take action against the viral antisemitic hashtag #JewishPrivilege, and earlier this year the social media giant was forced to apologies for permitting advertisements to be micro-targeted to neo-Nazis and other bigots.

Are You an Anti-Semite or Antisemite? Turns Out There’s a Difference

So, how do you prefer your Jew-hatred, with or without the hyphen?

Gett Nominated for the Golden Globes

A Golden Globes award will help women still chained by obstinate husbands.

Ben Gvir Unapologetic for Late MK Alkharumi Attack Tweet

It stands to show you that even the ancient principle of "Achrei mot kdoshim" has limits.

Man of the Year 5783: Yinon Magal Who Crushed Israel’s Left-Wing Media’s Monopoly

He figured out how to tap into Israel’s silenced majority and gives them a voice. This genie is not going back into the bottle.

122 Arab Academics, Journalists, Intellectuals, Reject Holocaust Alliance’s Definition of Anti-Semitism

Strictly speaking, every time an Arab or another Israel-hater compares the Jewish State to the South African apartheid regime, they express anti-Semitism.

Netflix to Edit Demjanjuk Docuseries After Pressure by Polish Government

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in a letter to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings that the program showed maps that place Nazi concentration camps within the borders of modern-day Poland.

Israel Notes Wave of Support from Arab Countries on Social Networks following Abraham Accords

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has been flooded with a massive number of messages of love and peace from residents of Arab countries from Morocco to Iraq, Syria to Yemen.

Wikipedia Bans Eight Editors, Six of Them Anti-Israel

The bans focused on the online editors' misconduct. Poor behavior included personal insults and misrepresenting sources.

USA Today Joins Effort to Persuade Alicia Keys to Boycott Israel

USA Today posts Boycott Israel press release as a "news" article. Lies about Israel are reprinted as if true, assisting in the effort to convince US singer Alicia Keys to boycott Israel.

Accusations Follow Excessive Expectations of Storm Fighting Capacity

Much of the disaster could have been avoided with better individual preparedness.

Wages of Hate: Gaza Drowning in Its Own Excrement

Normal people wouldn't celebrate this kind of misery, but the Hamas is not staffed by normal people.

WJC: More than 1,000 Anti-Semitic Social Media Posts Every Day

'We knew that anti-Semitism online was on the rise, but the numbers revealed in this report give us concrete data as to how alarming the situation really is.'

TikTok Banned in Jordan

Videos from violent demonstrations and last week’s strike by truck drivers protesting high fuel prices have been flooding TikTok in Jordan.


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