Photo Credit: Facebook
Avner Netanyahu with Kaia, both alive and well

“Inaccurate story, thank you all for your concern,” posted Avner, Benjamin Netanyahu’s other son, on his Facebook page Wednesday afternoon, referring to a report by Channel 2 News that the family’s famous dog, Kaya, passed away.

The dog’s medical condition did get worse recently, and Avner cut short his trip to Australia, returning last Friday to Israel. The trip was scheduled to last several months, but two weeks ago, the 12-and-a-half-year-old Kia’s medical condition worsened and she was hospitalized at the Beit Dagan veterinary hospital and underwent surgery on her legs, so Avner decided to cut his trip short to be next to the beloved family dog.


Kaya made headlines twice, once when Yair Netanyahu, Avner’s brother, was caught failing to pick up after her on one of her walkies; and once again, when she bit MK Sharren Haskel and the husband of Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely, Or Alon, at a candle-lighting ceremony for Likud members in the Prime Minister’s Residence.

Kaya was adopted by the Netanyahus after her original owner had abandoned her.

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