Photo Credit: Elon Perry's website
Elon Perry

When you click on a Jewish Chronicle article titled “Sinwar’s secret plan to ‘smuggle hostages to Iran,’” you get the sad message, “The page you’re looking for is not found.” This is because the JC deleted it, alongside its author, Elon Perry.

The JC issued the following statement:

The Jewish Chronicle has concluded a thorough investigation into freelance journalist Elon Perry, which commenced after allegations were made about aspects of his record. While we understand he did serve in the Israel Defense Forces, we were not satisfied with some of his claims. We have therefore removed his stories from our website and ended any association with Mr. Perry.
The Jewish Chronicle maintains the highest journalistic standards in a highly contested information landscape and we deeply regret the chain of events that led to this point. We apologize to our loyal readers and have reviewed our internal processes so that this will not be repeated.


Perry’s website, “Elon Perry * Lecturer * Historian * Author * Tour guide,” claims that “Elon Perry is a popular lecturer on the 4,000 years of the history and politics of the Middle East, including the Israeli/Arab/Palestinian conflict. In this topic Elon presents a unique perspective as a commando in the Israeli army, taking part in numerous operations in pursuing terrorists in Gaza, the West Bank, and in Lebanon.”

Elon Perry ‘s IDF service pictures / Elon Perry ‘s website

Amir Shuan, a reporter for the popular TV show HaTzinor, dug into Perry’s claims about his military service, which included, according to Perry, his participation in the 1976 raid on Entebbe. However, some of the pictures Perry posted from his commando service were shot in 2015, according to fact checkers.

Shuan challenged Perry’s presentation in a phone conversation, and Perry responded, “Even if that were true, it’s not a news story, why do you have to bring this to the public?” When Shuan pressed him, he said, “You all don’t know how to be supportive. You are such a backwards people, full of hate.”


Of course, to quote the immortal Donald McLean, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not trying to get you.” The Internet doesn’t forget, and so, if you wish to read Perry’s revelations, you’ll find it here: “Sinwar’s secret plan to ‘smuggle hostages to Iran.”

Intelligence sources have told the JC that Sinwar’s plan was to smuggle himself and the remaining Hamas leaders along with Israeli hostages through the Philadelphi corridor to Sinai and from there to Iran. This was reportedly revealed during the interrogation of a captured senior Hamas official, as well as by information obtained from documents seized on Thursday, August 29, the day the six bodies of the murdered hostages were retrieved.

The internet also refuses to forget that during his press conference on September 3, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did say, regarding the need for the IDF to stay in the Philadelphi corridor, “By the way, this is also preventing the hostages from being smuggled underground. They could take them and smuggle them during these 42 days, to Sinai, it is only a few meters away. They cross the fence and disappear. They could reappear in Iran or Yemen – no way.”

Was Perry the victim of an information war between the IDF and the PM’s office? It’s not out of the question.

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