Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel / Flash 90
Otzma Yehudi MK Itamar Ben Gvir visits at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem Old City on June 10, 2021.

Member of Knesset Itamar Ben-Gvir has filed a lawsuit against Facebook while alleging that the social network is “deliberately harming his exposure for political reasons.”

According to Ben-Gvir, since he started his battle demanding safety for the Jewish residents of the Shimon Hatzadik (Sheikh Jarrah) neighborhood in Jerusalem, Facebook has lowered the exposure of his posts on their social network.


Following the reduction of the exposure, Ben-Gvir sent a warning letter to the management of Facebook and warned that he would sue the company if it did not return his exposure.

According to Ben Gvir, after the warning letter, Facebook lowered the exposure of his publications, imposed various restrictions on his account, and sent a warning message without any details on how he violated its rules.

Ben-Gvir filed a civil lawsuit against Facebook on Tuesday for a total of NIS 3 million in the Jerusalem District Court. In the lawsuit, he said that not only did he not violate the rules, but on the contrary – Facebook blocked his exposure without its guidelines being violated and blocked the uploading content “due to unlawful political discrimination.”

“In recent months, Facebook has been pursuing a trend of lowering its exposure to right-wingers, without them violating any conditions, but for improper political motives. Facebook must know that it is bound by Israeli law, and it cannot harass right-wingers just because their opinion is not acceptable to them,” he stated Tuesday.

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