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Animal Farm by George Orwell

Before reporting on what appears to be the desperate state of the radical leftist camp in Israel, let’s remember that on YouTube it has 167 subscribers. In an Internet world where influencers lead hordes of millions off the cliff, 167 crazy-left-wing Israelis are within acceptable proportions.

Also, reports on this particular podcast emerged this week in right-wing media, which suggests that the difference between Radical’s normal 150 to 250 views per podcast and this one’s 582 views was all right-wingers.


Anyway, the Radical podcast, conducted by one Dr. Jeremy Fogel, who teaches Jewish Philosophy at Tel Aviv University and looks like a very hairy throwback to the SDS days, decided to interview MK Zvi Sukkot (Religious Zionism) to introduce him to their 167 subscribers.

“The thinking was to also bring ideas from the opposing side of the political and ideological map and try to challenge them in ways that are not challenged in other arenas. We invited Zvi Sukkot. On an interpersonal level, he is a great boychik, nice, pleasant, and sympathetic. He denied that he believed in the messiah as an external event (he probably meant historical event – DI), and denied that he wanted to build the Temple – he turned out much better than we expected.”

Note the use of “denied” twice in this one paragraph, conjuring a setup where the Inquisitor Dr. Fogel is probing the Jewish man with the extremely long earlocks, and records that the accused denies any affinity with messianism and yearnings for a rebuilt Temple.

It created a problem, which Fogel described in great detail: when a right-winger turns out to have sex appeal, like Donald Trump and Itamar Ben Gvir, even if you deride him, he remains a great clickbait – so that no matter how bad you make him look, people would want to read about him or watch him. And that cannot be, because if we know one thing about leftist radicals, they don’t trust their flock to make up their own minds, they believe in regurgitating the mental food into the fragile beaks of the little birdies who otherwise would be tempted by the goodies of the other side.

To support his cowardly approach to an open exchange of views, Dr. Fogel had to enlist Hitler. Naturally:

“We don’t want to give more space to those people who already get enough space,” Vogel explained. “At the same time, we thought that there were several things in this conversation that could be talked about and we thought about a format of an episode about the episode with Zvi Sukkot. … If you present research readers with Mao’s ‘Red Book,’ or… ‘My Struggle,’ Adolph’s Mein Kampf, you do it in a responsible way. And that’s what we tried to do, make dangerous and problematic views accessible in a responsible way.”

With that, Fogel and his red-headed co-host Itamar Weizman poured a torrent of shameless curses and putdowns of Sukkot which he, the dangerous right-winger “Judeo-Nazi,” as they repeated joyously, wasn’t able to respond to because, you know, he wasn’t there.


Needless to say, MK Sukkot was stunned. It turned out those people on the left really are lying cowards, just like George Orwell said in Animal Farm.

The astonished Sukkot tweeted:

Such a thing has never happened to me. The Radical podcast hosted me. We recorded the episode in Tel Aviv and there was a good conversation. But they chose not to broadcast the episode. Do you know why? Among the many reasons: “Sukkot turned out better than we expected,” “He schooled us,” “We were surprised that he is a human being,” “He is a Judeo-Nazi,” “We were expecting a demon and a great man arrived, he spoke to the point.”

I’m enclosing the full “episode about the Sukkot episode” below. Watch it and enjoy it (it’ll add views to Fogel’s craven diatribe). Leave a comment. They’re starved for comments.

But above all: rejoice in the knowledge that this is the worst they can do. This is what they look like when they stop lying and start revealing the truth.

And rejoice in the knowledge that there are so few of them, including the entire small army of TV, radio, and press at the ready to do their billionaire masters’ bidding.

We are the majority. I considered writing “We are legion,” but it’s a quote from Mark, so, not.

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