Report: Kerem Shalom Crossing Opens for Gazans Seeking Medical Care Abroad

Using the Kerem Shalom Crossing to exit Gaza will of necessity mean passage through Israeli territory.

MK Feiglin: IDF Radio an Anti-Democratic Idea (Video)

"We've become an army that has a state, rather than a state that has an army, which is not a good thing!"

DM Barak Denies Israel Thinks Egypt is Dictatorship

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is insisting that Israel does not consider Egypt’s government a “shocking dictatorship”, after Defense Ministry official Amos Gilad made the statement to students in Herzliya on Friday.

Angry Over $290 Million Aid Cut, Egypt Cancels Kushner Meeting

The decision to punish Egypt at a time when its regime is practically fighting for its life against Islamist insurgents and home grown Muslim Brothers, began at a hearing by the US Senate.

Kerry Meets Turkish Pres., Egyptian FM in Washington

US Secy of State John Kerry met "briefly" in Washington with his Egyptian counterypart and with Turkey's president, but said little of substance.

Egypt to Charge Morsi with Premeditated Killing, Spying for Hamas

What’s good for Mubarak is good for Morsi. The coup that was not a coup continues to replay the 2011 revolution that ousted Mubarak, who landed up in jail. Now it is Morsi’s turn. Stay tuned for violence.

Israeli PM Bennett, Egyptian President Sisi Meet in Sinai, Discuss Iran, Hamas

This is the first visit to Egypt by an Israeli prime minister in more than a decade.

Egyptian Girl Dies in ‘Female Circumcision’ Operation

A 13-year-old girl died while being circumcised by a doctor in a small village northeast of Cairo, according to the website Al Masry Al...

Egypt: 400 US Soldiers in Sinai Not Armed

The U.S. troops that are to be deployed in the Sinai are a mere "formality," says Egyptian Army Spokesman Ahmed Ali said on Saturday,...

Abbas Cancels Legislative Election Denying Hamas Easy Victory, Pins Blame on Israel

Of course, Israel could call Abass' bluff by designating voting stations for eastern Jerusalem residents who possess PA ID cards.

Egypt Fears Gaza Terrorists Planning Anti-Government Protests

Egypt has deployed helicopters to patrol the Sinai Peninsula and has declared a state of alert in the area after radical Islamic terrorists from...

Report: Egypt Pressures Israel to Increase Natural Gas Exports

Israel exported about five (4.62) billion cubic meters (BCM) to Egypt last year from the mammoth Leviathan gas reserve.

Ramadan Violence Summit Takes Place as Arab Terrorist Shoots Another Israeli in Huwara

Sunday’s summit took place as a Palestinian Authority terrorist attacked an Israeli couple while their vehicle was passing through the flashpoint village of Huwara.

US Announces $212 Million in New Aid for Gaza Reconstruction

The US pledged $212 million for Gaza reconstruction at Sunday's donor conference in Cairo, where foreign ministers of 30 nations gathered.

US on Demolishing Homes: No in Israel, Yes in Egypt

If the US wants to talk about borders, it can put some around hypocrisy.

Trump Tells Jordan, Egypt to Take in Gaza Refugees

"Almost everything’s demolished, and people are dying there."

Suspected Israel Bedouin Spy on Hunger Strike in Egyptian Prison

An Israeli Bedouin serving a life prison sentence in Egypt on charges of being a spy has begun a hunger strike to draw attention...

And Now for Something Completely Different: State Dept. Spokesman Lying through Teeth [video]

"What I’ll say is that we reject the notion that the United States was the driving force behind this resolution. That’s just not true."

Gaza Sources: Uptick in Hamas Attacks on Israel are on the Way

Hamas is upset with Egypt, so naturally they plan to take it out on Israel.

Egypt on High Alert, Bombings in Cairo Metro Stations

Egypt is on high alert after a bombing in several metro stations in Cairo Wednesday morning.

When A Jerusalem Neighborhood Was A Transit Camp

Rabbi Haim Sabato tells the tale of the Jerusalem transit camp in which he and his family lived when they immigrated to the Holy Land from Egypt.

Israel Says ‘To Hell with PR’

Netanyahu has decided that the lives of Israeli are more important than looking good for Obama, U.N. and the NY Times.

In Rafah, IDF Destroys 2-Kilometer-Long Tunnel Leading to Philadelphi Corridor

The tunnel, located in Rafah, was used by Hamas terrorists for build up of its forces and other terror activities.

Egypt Running Out of Fuel – Army Threatens to Intervene

Egypt has enough diesel fuel to last eight days, butane enough for ten days and petrol enough for 14 days and no-one has proposed a way to find the more than $20 billion a year that Egypt requires to stay afloat.

Axios: Arab Officials Meet in Riyadh to Hand Gaza Over to ‘Revitalized’ Palestinian Authority

The Saudi, Egyptian, and Jordanian security officials said the Palestinian Authority must undergo substantial reforms to reinvigorate its political leadership.

Morsi on Satirist’s Arrest: I Didn’t Do It

Youssef is out on bail and facing charges of insulting Morsi and Islam, as well as a new investigation for "threatening public security."

Egypt Closes Border with Gaza as Clashes Continue

Egypt closed the border between Sinai and Gaza Thursday as clashes between its government security forces and protesters backing deposed President Mohamed Morsi continued...

Gaza Launches Rocket at Egypt

A rocket launched from Gaza landed in the Sinai, in the Egyptian half of the town of Rafiach (Rafah).

Israel Preparing for Passover ISIS Attack in Sinai

Some Israelis were trying to find alternative routs to reach the Sinai beaches, possibly via Jordan.

Egypt Warns US to Exercise Restraint in Missouri

Don't you feel just a tad jealous of Egypt right now?


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