Photo Credit: MDA
A home was destroyed from a Hezbollah rocket attack on Katzrin on the Golan Heights, August 21, 2024.

Dozens of rockets were launched toward Katzrin on the Golan Heights Wednesday morning. Some of them were intercepted by the Iron Dome system, others fell in open areas, and eventually, several rockets fell inside the settlement. Medical services reported one minor injury, a 30-year-old man suffering from shrapnel cuts who was treated at the scene.

Fire and rescue forces reported direct hits to buildings in the city, and fire crews in the Galilee-Golan sector are cooperating to control several fires that broke out as a result of the explosions.


In addition, a house was identified with direct damage, but there was no fire or trapped people. A search is currently in progress in other homes where fires broke out, and there is a fear of being trapped.

The MDA spokeswoman updated that the organization’s teams are working to scan the arenas where reports of rockets falling were received. An additional update will be provided later if necessary.

Oren Avitan, MDA Yarden Region Director reported: “I was on my way to one of our stations in the area when I heard the alerts. Immediately after the sounds of explosions and impacts, we dispatched large teams to search several sites where we saw smoke and received calls on the 101 emergency line. At one site, we saw thick smoke coming from a private house that was on fire.”

Katzrin is an Israeli settlement organized as a local council on the Golan Heights. The ancient Jewish town Katzrin served as an important trading location in the region but started to decline with the change of trading routes after the Islamic conquest. It was destroyed in an earthquake in 746–749, and the already declining Jewish community abandoned the location. The Israeli city of Katzrin was established in 1977 as a planned urban center for the Golan, based on a decision of the Israeli government in November 1973. Construction began in 1976.

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