Photo Credit: David Cohen / Flash 90
Israeli soldiers near the border with Lebanon, Jan. 4, 2024.

Hezbollah attacked the IDF’s Northern Command headquarters in the Upper Galilee city of Safed with several drones on Tuesday.

The military said that there were no casualties or damage from the attack and that the base was functioning as usual following the attack. However, Hebrew media reported minor infrastructure damage to the base.


In a statement, the terrorist group said it was in response to the alleged Israeli assassinations of Radwan Force commando unit commander Jawad al-Tawil in Southern Lebanon and the killing last week of Hamas terror chief Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut.

The IDF said that artillery fired at the source of the attack.

The Iranian-backed Shi’ite terrorist group on Saturday fired some 40 rockets into Israel in an “initial response” to the al-Arouri assassination.

The salvo triggered rocket alert sirens in 90 communities across northern Israel, although the military said that only the Mount Meron area was targeted.

There were no reports of injuries from that attack.

Three Hezbollah Terrorists Killed
Three Hezbollah members were killed in a targeted drone strike in Southern Lebanon, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

Two sources familiar with the operations of the Iranian terrorist proxy told the news agency that they were killed in an attack on their vehicle in the town of Ghanduriyah, more than 18 miles west of Metula, the northernmost town in Israel.

A separate strike in Southern Lebanon killed Ali Hussein Barji, responsible for dozens of Hezbollah drone infiltrations into northern Israel in recent months, including Tuesday’s attack on the IDF Northern Command base, per local media.

An alleged Israeli attack in Southern Lebanon on Monday killed a senior commander in Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force. According to unofficial reports from Lebanon, he was al-Tawil and the attack took place in Khirbet Selm.

Israel did not officially take responsibility for either of the attacks. However, Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Channel 14 on Monday night that the military was behind the al-Tawil assassination.

Israeli Air Force Attacks
The military said on Tuesday that air force fighter jets attacked terrorist infrastructure in the village of Kafr Kila in Southern Lebanon earlier in the morning. Also, an IAF aircraft struck a drone launch squad in Southern Lebanon.

Several launches were detected from Lebanon towards the areas of Kibbutz Malkia and Kibbutz Yiftach, the IDF said.

Strike at Slain Hezbollah Member’s Funeral
Lebanese media reported on Tuesday that a vehicle was attacked near the home of al-Tawil’s brother.

The reported attack occurred shortly before al-Tawil’s funeral, and that there were casualties.

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