Photo Credit: Michael Giladi/Flash90

An indictment was filed in the Nazareth District Court on Thursday against a Syrian national who was recently captured trying to infiltrate Israel.

According to the indictment, Aith Abdullah has been gathering intelligence along the Syrian-Israeli border since 2019 at the request of his brother-in-law, a Hezbollah operative.


Abdullah was tasked with gathering detailed information about Israeli military movements along the border, including photographs, in exchange for a monthly salary paid by Hezbollah. Abdullah received an overall 4.5 million Syrian pounds ($1,800).

Abdullah was assigned to a new Hezbollah handler when his brother-in-law was killed in an explosion in Syria. The new handler also transferred around $137,000 to Abdullah’s widowed sister.

At some point, the Israeli Defense Forces became aware of Abdullah’s surveillance. He and another man were captured on Jan. 27 on the eastern side of a perimeter fence in the Golan Heights under Israeli sovereignty.

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