Photo Credit: Ayal Margolin/Flash90
An Israeli tank at a staging area near the Lebanese border, Oct. 30, 2023.

The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) reported that earlier on Tuesday the Israel Air Force killed in an airstrike in Lebanon the terrorist Khathar Sha’id Hashem, who served as the commander of the naval forces in the Hezbollah terrorist organization and engaged in terrorist activities against the State of Israel and its citizens.


Hashem joined Hezbollah about two decades ago and has since held a number of positions in the organization, explained the IDF. As part of his role as commander of the naval force, he took an extensive part in transferring weapons to Hezbollah via maritime routes, and in planning Hezbollah’s terrorist operations in the maritime space against the State of Israel and its citizens, even during the ceasefire.

“Hashem’s activities constituted a threat to the State of Israel and its citizens, and blatantly violated the understandings between Israel and Lebanon,” said the IDF.

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