Iran released footage on Friday morning, which they said was the industrial fuel facility that blew up overnight near Tehran. The explosion caused tremendous speculation as to what exactly blew up last night and who blew it up.
The head of Iranian cybersecurity Hossein Dalirian tweeted a threat directed at Israel, that if Iran discovers that Israel was behind the explosion, then Israel can expect a “cyberwinter”.
اکانتهای اسرائیلی میگویند انفجار مخزن گاز نزدیک یک مرکز نظامی در تهران، نتیجه حمله سایبری اسرائیل بوده
اگر درتحقیقات به این نتیجه برسیم که کار اسرائیل بوده،همانطور که رئیس اداره ملی سایبری اسراییل گفته، زمستان سایبری را برایشان رقم میزنیم،”حتی زودتر از آن چیزی که فکرش را میکنند”
— Hossein Dalirian (@HosseinDalirian)
“Israeli accounts say a gas tank exploded near a military base in Tehran as a result of an Israeli cyber attack.
If we come to the conclusion that the work of Israel was, as the head of the National Cybercrime Department of Israel said, we will mark the cyber winter for them, ‘even sooner than they think'”