Photo Credit: Michael Giladi / Flash90
Israeli soldiers watch the Syrian side of the border on the Golan Heights, October 30, 2023.

A Sunday report by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) highlighted the emergence of what’s being termed the “Elite forces” of the “Syrian Resistance of the Liberation of Golan.” These forces, drawing members from across the Middle East, have extended their control over regions surrounding the Israeli Golan in specific Syrian districts, namely Quneitra, western Rif Dimashq, and parts of western Daraa.

According to the report, these forces have undergone training provided by Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Estimated to comprise more than 700 fighters, they arrived in waves during October, circumventing any coordination with the Syrian military.


Interestingly, the Assad regime’s military has received explicit orders to abstain from engaging the Israeli part of the Golan.

Israeli reservists training on the Golan Heights, October 30, 2023. / David Cohen/Flash90

SOHR sources have confirmed that the Syrian military command instructed its units deployed along the Israeli border to refrain from firing any form of ammunition at Israel, specifically in Quneitra, western Rif Dimashq, and western Daraa.

Despite the Syrian regime allegedly issuing orders, SOHR notes that altercations occurring in this region are individually driven by leaders of various factions within the Palestinian forces of Lebanese Hezbollah and Syrian resistance forces.

The Arab social media post below emphasizes the strategic significance of the Golan for Israel, particularly highlighting its role as a critical water source for Lake Kinneret and providing a substantial portion of the water supply for the nation. It raises questions about the geopolitical dynamics in the region, particularly concerning the control of the Golan and its implications for various stakeholders, including Israel and Syria.

It reads: “The Golan is a strategic location and a lifeline for Israel. The source of the waters of Lake Tiberias is Israel’s strategic water reservoir, as rainwater falls from the Golan Heights into the Jordan River, and the region provides a third of the water supply to the Zionist entity. Who will open the occupied Golan front, restore rights, and make the Jews thirsty?”

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