Photo Credit: IRNA
Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, Major General Hossein Salami.

Major General Hossein Salami, Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), on Sunday insisted he had received reports showing that part of the weapons fired by the force toward Israel had directly hit their targets, IRNA reported.

“Our information on all of the hits is not complete yet but on that part of the hits that we have accurate, documented, and field-related reports show that this operation has been carried out with a success that exceeded the expectation,” Salami said.


Makes you wonder, how low could their expectations possibly be?

Iran’s Mehr news agency reported that Iran had targeted the Nevatim Air Base and at least 15 missiles hit the base. According to IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari, there was only minor damage to a few structures at the base and all the F-35s returning from their mission of downing Iranian drones and missiles were able to land at the base without a problem.

The only casualty from the attack on Nevatim was a 7-year-old Bedouin girl who was seriously wounded when shrapnel from an Iron Dome rocket fell on her house.

According to Mehr, “the IRGC Air Force had practiced a missile attack on a simulated example of this Zionist air base last year.”

Back to the drawing board?

Salami also said that the IRGC was capable of carrying out a much larger operation against Israel, but opted for a more restricted and limited attack, “to hit Israeli resources that had been used for an airstrike on an Iranian consulate in Syria earlier this month which killed senior Iranian military commanders.”

For the one-hundredth time, it wasn’t the consulate, it was an IRGC terrorist compound adjacent to the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

Salami also threatened that “any reaction from Israel to Iran’s recent attacks would be met with a much stronger response.”

Which raised the halachic question: how many hours after being threatened by Major General Salami can you be threatened by Major General Cheese?

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