Photo Credit: US Navy News Service
An Arrow anti-ballistic missile launch.

The Iranian vassal state of Yemen, run by Tehran’s Houthi proxy group, has officially declared war Tuesday against the State of Israel.

The announcement was made by Brigadier General Yahya Saree, spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces in a statement from the Yemeni capital, Sana’a.


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“The Yemeni Armed Forces… confirm that they will continue to carry out qualitative strikes with missiles and drones until the Israeli aggression stops,” Saree said, according to Iran’s Tasnim News Agency.

The Israel Defense Forces had their first opportunity to use the Arrow aerial defense system in real time on Tuesday when the system shot down a surface-to-surface missile fired at Israel by the Houthis from Yemen.

“IAF detection systems tracked the trajectory of the missile, which was successfully intercepted by the “Arrow” aerial defense system at the optimal operational moment and location,” the IDF said in a statement earlier in the day.

“The IAF thwarted an aerial threat in the area of the Red Sea, the first operational interception by the “Arrow” Aerial Defense System since the beginning of the war.”

In addition, IAF fighter jets were scrambled in the morning in response to an “aerial threat” identified in the area of the Red Sea and “intercepted aerial threats that flew in the area,” the IDF said.

All the aerial threats were intercepted outside of Israeli territory. No infiltrations were identified into Israeli territory.

Saree said Yemeni forces would continue with “more precise attacks with missiles and drones unless the aggression of the Israeli regime stops,” according to Iran’s Mehr News Agency.

Just to be clear: Yemen has no diplomatic relations with the State of Israel, and never has. Yemen is a designated “enemy state” under Israeli law.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.