Photo Credit: Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States on Twitter
Hanukkah celebration and candle lighting ceremony in Tehran, with Chief Rabbi of Iran Yehuda Gerami, December 2022.

The Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States was established in December 2019 to support Jewish life in the Middle East a union of rabbis who live in Muslim countries. The group is supervised by the Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, and follows his Halachic directives. This Hanukkah, they shared lovely images from celebrations around the region, most notably in Iran.


The Turkish Chief Rabbinate Foundation sent out this tweet Saturday night: Today we lit the 7th candle of Hanukkah at Caddebostan Synagogue, whih was built in 1953 in the Kadıköy district of Istanbul. The synagogue was aloud to open its gate to the Jewish community following a demand to the Turkish authorities by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel in April 1961. It is the most populated synagogue on the Asian side of the city.

Chabad UAE emissary Rabbi Levi Duchman posted this tweet Saturday night:

Here’s the 7th light of Hanukkah in Izmir, Turkey:

Finally: to celebrate Hanukkah, the Amram Blau group, disciples of the late founder of the Neturai Karta movement, burned their favorite object on Hanukkah:


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