Photo Credit: Red Alert / Google Maps
Rocket alerts near Haifa. Sept, 22, 2024

The Hezbollah terrorist organization launched multiple rocket barrages at northern Israel overnight and into the early hours of Sunday morning with rocket fire greeting the morning sunrise after a night of ongoing attacks.

The rocket fire sent tens of thousands of Israelis into their bomb shelters, with the Red Alert warning sirens awakening families in the areas around Karmiel and Haifa all the way south to Afula shortly after 1 am. Yokne’am, Migal HaEmek, Nazareth, Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley were targeted, among other areas.


A dairy farm in the Jezreel Valley suffered significant damage after being hit by a rocket barrage, according to a statement by Israeli Police. Several cows were killed and injured in the attack.

A number of civilian homes were hit in Hezbollah’s indiscriminate firing, which the United Nations (UN) has not condemned as a war crime.

Three people were lightly to moderately wounded from shrapnel near Kiryat Bialik. Other people were treated for anxiety or getting injured running to the bomb shelter.

A long-range Fajr-5 missile reportedly landed in Nazareth, with some locals seen on social media snapping selfies with the remains of the missile.

This is the first time Hezbollah has fired Fajr-5 missiles at Israel since the Second Lebanon war in 2006. The Fajr-5 has a range of about 75 kilometers (47 miles) and carries a warhead of around 200 kilograms (440 pounds).

Residents in those regions reported hearing the booms from the rockets and interceptions. Hezbollah claims it is targeting the Ramat David Air Base south of Haifa. At this time reports indicated that they missed.


One person was injured by falling shrapnel in the lower Galilee region.

The IDF is responding and attacking positions in south Lebanon.

Hezbollah actively joined Hamas’s war against Israel on October 8th, and fired thousands of rockets into Israel this past year.

Over the past week, Israel has been eliminating many senior Hezbollah commanders and fighters in Lebanon (and Syria).

Content from TPS was used in this report.

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