Photo Credit: Hezbollah / Resistance News Network
Hezbollah commander Hassan Hussein Salami assassinated by the IDF on Feb. 26, 2024

An IDF aircraft has targeted and eliminated Hassan Hossein Salami, the Hezbollah terrorist responsible for the Hajir region, in a strike in southern Lebanon late Monday afternoon.


Salami served as the equivalent of a brigade commander as part of Hezbollah’s Nasser Unit. He commanded recent terrorist activities by Hezbollah against Israeli civilians and soldiers, including anti-tank missile launches toward Kiryat Shmona and the headquarters of the IDF’s 769th Brigade, the IDF said.

The Hezbollah commander was targeted while driving in the southern Lebanon village of Majadel.

Hezbollah announced Salami’s death “with great pride and honor” but did not refer to him as a commander.

“With great pride and honor, the Islamic Resistance exalts the martyr fighter Hassan Hussein Salami ‘Mahmoud’ born in 1974 from the town of Khirbet Selem in southern Lebanon who rose as a martyr on the road to Al-Quds,” Hezbollah said in its announcement.

On Monday evening, IDF fighter jets struck a launch site in the area of Kawkaba from which dozens of launches were carried out toward the Golan Heights one hour prior.

Hezbollah said it had fired a barrage of 60 Katyusha rockets at the IDF’s Golan Division headquarters.

“Over the past hours, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah military compounds in the area of Ayta ash Shab in southern Lebanon,” the IDF added.

Earlier today, an IDF tank struck an additional Hezbollah military compound in Kfarkela.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.