Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
Hezbollah precision-guided missile factory complex in Lebanon, supplied by Iran.

The Iranian-backed Lebanese Hezbollah terror organization has set up a new production site dedicated to manufacturing and converting its projectiles into precision-guided missiles, Israel’s military officials revealed to journalists Tuesday night.

Hezbollah precision-guided missile factory complex in Lebanon, supplied by Iran.

The facility, located in the Lebanon Valley near the town of Nabi Sheete, was set up a few years ago as a weapons factory by Iran and Hezbollah. Recently a second facility was also identified for use as a production and conversion site for precision-guided missiles as well.


As part of their plan, a production line was set up for precision-guided weapons with dedicated sensitive equipment being delivered to the site, which has a number of complexes designed for building engines and missile warheads capable of accuracy to within about 10 meters.

Hezbollah’s precision-guided missile production facility in Lebanon, supplied by Iran.

For missile production, Iran has provided special machinery and training for the production operators, and regularly supervises the work on site.

The facility is divided into four complexes, including (1) an engine manufacturing complex, (2) a quality control compound, (3) a site for manufacturing explosives and warheads, and (4) a logistics complex.

In recent days, however, Hezbollah operatives have been engaged in the removal of the most sensitive and expensive equipment from the compound, fearing an Israeli attack on the site.

The equipment is being transferred to civilian assets in Lebanon, including several properties in Beirut, according to Israel’s Hebrew-language 0404 military website.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.