Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit
IDF Armored Corps in action on Israel's northern border.

The Israel Defense Forces entered southern Lebanon late Monday night according to foreign reports, potentially launching the start of the Third Lebanon War: what has been called up to this point “Operation Northern Arrows.”

As a prelude to the ground offensive, the IDF declared closed military zones at the northern border communities of Metula, Misgav Am and Kfar Giladi.


Israeli artillery began pounding Hezbollah terrorist positions across the border near Metula almost immediately after the area was shut down. The Israeli Air Force likewise began a wave of airstrikes across southern Lebanon.

Israeli tanks penetrated into Rmeish, in southern Lebanon, according to sources quoted by the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya and Al Hadath news outlets.

The IDF Home Front Command issued new directives to northern communities in accordance with the uptick in military activity, ordering communities north of the Hula Valley to limit movements within their towns, avoid large gatherings, control the gates of their communities and to remain near protected areas.

The Lebanese Army deployed its troops along the border but swiftly retreated to a five-kilometer distance in the face of Israeli artillery fire. A separate report claimed the artillery fire began only after the Lebanese forces evacuated in accordance with an Israeli request sent through the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

The evacuations were carried out with the assistance of the “peacekeeping” UNIFIL force; another report said Hezbollah terrorists seized control over the abandoned posts. There have been reports of Hezbollah officers running away into Syria.

Earlier in the day, Israel conducted limited operations targeting Hezbollah inside Lebanon, State Department spokesperson Matt Miller told reporters.

“This is what they have informed us that they are currently conducting, which are limited operations targeting Hezbollah infrastructure near the border,” Miller said.

The Pentagon deployed squadrons of F-15E Strike Eagle, F-16, A-10 and F-22 fighter jets to the region, along with support personnel, Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh told reporters on Monday. The warplanes — and a “few thousand” additional troops, are being tasked with “ensuring the protection of US forces operating in the region,” she said.

In his opening remarks to the government cabinet meeting on Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the ministers, “We face major challenges. We will face them together and we will do the work that the people of Israel, and the generations of the people of Israel, expect that we will do.”

Netanyahu said the people of Israel are in “decisive days … days of historic achievements but also of major challenges that we face.”

He commended the commanders and soldiers in the IDF and all of the security services, “who are excelling in striking our enemies and enabling our people to stand tall with pride,” and said he stands by Israel’s “heroic soldiers, conscripts and reservists.”

The prime minister added that he is also standing by the families of the fallen, “thanks to who we live here,” he said, and sent best wishes for a quick and full recovery to all of the “dear wounded.” In addition, Netanyahu said he is standing by the “dear families of the hostages; our hostages are always first and foremost with us and we will not rest until we return them all.”

“I send best wishes for a quick and full recovery to all of the dear wounded. I would like to stand by the dear families of the hostages; our hostages are always first and foremost with us, and we will not rest until we return them all,” he said.

“Finally, I would like to thank all citizens of Israel: The reservists’ wives, the mothers and fathers of our fighters, and the children, for being steadfast throughout such a long period.

“We are in a war for our very existence. We will unite, go hand-in-hand and defeat our enemies. The people will arise like a lioness, and the Eternal One of Israel will not lie down. So ends a year and its curses, and with G-d’s help so begins a year and its blessings.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.