Photo Credit: Keren Perelman/TPS-IL
Scene of a rocket landing near the Palestinian Authority village Biddya in Samaria during Hezbollah rocket barrage on Sept. 23, 2024

Welcome to the Third Lebanon War, readers. The Israeli government has not yet declared it officially, but it is clear we’re already there.

Israeli forces launched a massive wave of airstrikes Monday against Hezbollah targets throughout southern and eastern Lebanon, with secondary explosions and flying rockets making it clear that indeed, weapons and ammunition were being stored at the sites.


In response, Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets and suicide drones at Israeli targets in various communities throughout the Galilee and Golan Heights, including Tzfat (Safed) and its surrounds, and then at Carmel and the Haifa suburbs known as the “krayot”, Yagur and Kfar Hasidim, as well as the coastal city of Akko, the Jezre’el Valley and into the Samaria region.

Red Alert incoming rocket sirens were activated in Ariel, Karnei Shomron, Salfit, Alei Zahav, Peduel, Emanuel, and Elkanah, all in Samaria, including several that are just east of Tel Aviv.

The terrorists may have been aiming for Ben Gurion International Airport in Lod, not far from the area, but the wide range of rocket fire indicated they were aiming at civilian communities as well.

At least one long-range rocket landed in Salfit, next to the Samaria city of Ariel. Several more rockets landed in the Emanuel industrial zone.

Iron Dome interceptions were seen taking down rockets over the port city of Haifa.

The rocket fire aimed at Samaria was carried out at a range of about 100 kilometers (around 60 miles), making it clear Hezbollah had broken out its longer-range missiles for the task.

“Following the sirens that sounded in the area of the northern Golan Heights, approximately 25 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted a number of projectiles. Fallen projectiles were identified in the area,” the IDF said.

“Following the sirens that sounded in the areas of the Upper Galilee and the Haifa Port, approximately 15 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted a number of projectiles. Numerous fallen projectiles were identified.

“Following the sirens that sounded at 5:12 pm in the area of Samaria, approximately 10 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. Fallen projectiles were identified in open areas.

“Following the sirens that sounded at 5:20 pm in the areas of the lower and central Galilee, approximately 30 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. Fallen projectiles were identified.”

Additional rockets were launched by the Iranian proxy at 5:41 pm, at 6:05 pm, and a five-minute long barrage that began at 6:56 pm.

Following a barrage at 7 pm, Magen David Adom (MDA) medics were deployed to treat a man injured by shrapnel in the Upper Galilee, who arrived at a local clinic in Kiryat Bialik — one of the krayot suburbs of Haifa. After treating the 23-year-old victim at the scene, the medics took him to Rambam Medical Center where he was listed in fair condition with a head injury.

Rocket barrages continued with a particularly large volley of 25 missiles fired at central Haifa at around 7:40 pm, targeting the Yemin Orde Youth Village, a hotel on Carmel, and the western side of the northern port city, among other areas.

Adding up all the attacks, nearly 200 rockets were fired at Israel from Lebanon on Monday by nightfall.

Earlier in the day, a house in the community of Givat Avni took a direct hit — but the family living within was unharmed, because they entered their safe room and properly locked the window and door.

“We heard a siren; I took my daughter and we entered the safe room. Within ten seconds there was a crazy explosion, and I realized the rocket hit my house. It’s a miracle we’re alive,” Dudi Yitzhak told reporters.

Five Israelis sustained shrapnel wounds at the Golani Junction. In addition, paramedics and EMTs from the Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency medical response organization treated a 59-year-old man in Lower Galilee for shrapnel wounds to his lower limbs and a 25-year-old man who was injured while racing for a safe space. Three others were treated for severe anxiety following the attack as well.

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Previous articleHundreds Die, Thousands Flee Ahead of Israeli Attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon’s Beka’a Valley
Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.