Photo Credit: Abu Ali Express (Screenshots)

As reported yesterday, the ongoing disagreement between Christians and Muslims in Lebanon has led to a bizarre situation where the country is simultaneously in two different time zones. Different television channels in the country are now broadcasting the time according to their respective sectors, as can be seen in the attached pictures.

(Mar. 25, 2023) Starting tomorrow, Lebanon will have two different time zones: one for Christians and another for Muslims. Lebanon scheduled to transition to daylight saving time tonight, but the interim government postponed the change until April 21 because of Ramadan.

However, some Christian parties, clerics, and TV channels associated with the Christian sector in Lebanon have announced that they will not comply with the government’s decision and will switch to summer time tonight as was originally planned.

Christian MP Nadim Gemayel put things this way: “They have their time, and we have ours.”

Also attached is a popular Lebanese meme addressing the matter: International Time in Beirut vs. BMT


(Berri Mikati Time – referring to Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati and Speaker of Parliament Berri, who supported postponing the daily light saving time until the end of Ramadan – Abu Ali).



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