Photo Credit: IDF
Golani fighters patrol south Lebanon.

Diplomatic sources on Tuesday told the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Akhbar newspaper, that the United States sent a message to the Lebanese regarding Israeli military plans. According to the report, Israel is planning a limited operation in southern Lebanon.

Al-Akhbar’s documentation of Hezbollah long-range missiles being fired into Israel:


According to the information the Americans snitched to the Lebanese, knowing full well Hezbollah would also receive the message, Israel wished to enter Lebanese territory at a depth of three kilometers from the border. The purpose of the operation is to cleanse the area from terrorists and their equipment, blow up or seal their tunnels, and get out as quickly as possible after completing the task.

The report notes that Israel insists on turning the area into scorched earth. According to Al-Akhbar’s sources, Israel made it clear that it would not allow external elements to stop or disrupt its operation.

Beyond the immediate operation, Al-Akhbar claims that Israel stands by its demand to establish a buffer zone at a depth of ten kilometers from the border. According to the reported plan, the area past the scorched earth (presumably a euphemism for a kill zone – DI), comprising 3 to 10 km from the border, will be the responsibility of UNIFIL forces and the Lebanese army.

To remind you, the original UNSC Resolution 1701 envisioned a Hezbollah-free zone stretching all the way to the Litani River, some 28 kilometers from the Israeli border.

The same diplomatic sources told the Hezbollah-affiliated newspaper that Israel made it clear: should UNIFIL and the Lebanese army not fulfill their role as required, Israel would take over the task of chasing away the terrorists.

It is important to note that the information comes from sources close to Hezbollah and that no official response has been received from Israeli or American government officials to this report.

Judging by the views expressed by the evacuated Israeli civilians, they would refuse to return to their homes with Hezbollah a mere 13 kilometers from the border. It’s true that at this distance, Hezbollah would not be able to launch its anti-tank missiles at Israeli settlements – these missiles’ range is 5.5 kilometers tops. However, the terrorist group would still be able to fire truckloads of Katyusha and Grad missiles whose range is between 20 and 40 kilometers.

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