Photo Credit: Al-Manar tweet screenshot
Lebanese man putting out the fire in Shebaa farms, Sept. 1, 2019

Hezbollah’s TV network Al-Manar reported on Sunday that the IDF had launched artillery fire near the border, in the Mount Dov area. According to the report, the shelling targeted the hills in the area of Kfar Shuba, adjacent to the Shebaa farms in southern Lebanon.


In addition, IDF aircraft were reported to have dropped flammable material on a grove in the area known as Stara Farms, with the aim of clearing the local forest to expand the exposed territory. A fire broke out in the Shebaa farms on Saturday, too, as a result of IDF flares. Hezbollah affiliate al-Manar posted a video of the fire, claiming that one of the flares fell near one of UNIFIL’s posts.

On Saturday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that his group plans to retaliate “in every possible place along the border” for Israel’s drone attacks last week in Beirut.

Nasrallah’s deputy, Muhammad Yari, threatened Israel on Friday, saying “the Zionist enemy attacked us deep in our territory and so we will attack him deep in his. They will be very sorry for their deeds.”

Convoys of Israeli military trucks have been observed throughout the day Saturday, making their way north carrying cannons. The IDF has in recent days strengthened both its offensive and defensive systems, including deploying additional Iron Dome batteries. The army has also enlisted a limited number of reserve personnel to complete manpower needs in several fronts.

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