Photo Credit: Cpl. Eden Briand, IDF Spokesperson's Unit
An IAF F-16 Netz.

Two military personnel were killed and six injured as a result of an Israeli attack on Syrian air defense positions outside Tartous, Syria’s second largest port city, SANA, the Syrian state news agency reported Wednesday night.

SANA cited a military source who stated that “at 5:22 this afternoon, the Israeli enemy carried out aggression with bursts of rockets from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, targeting some of our air defense positions in Tartous.”


The source added that “the aggression led to the martyrdom of two soldiers, the wounding of six others, and some material losses.”

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights offered a much more elaborate report. According to SOHR, Lebanese Hezbollah trucks arrived in Syria Tuesday evening from Lebanon, via unofficial crossings. The trucks arrived in warehouses on a base of the Syrian air-defense forces near the villages of Al-Jamasah and Deir Hajar outside Tartus, where Hezbollah uses those warehouses for storing weapons before transporting them to Lebanon. “It is worth noting that today’s airstrikes by Israeli fighter jets targeted those warehouses.”

According to SOHR, three combatants were killed in the attack, and eight were injured. Also, there was another attack that targeted a base of the regime’s air-defense forces in Kartu village, located some ten kilometers away from the first target.

SOHR added: “It is worth noting that this is the 27th attack by Israeli forces in Syrian territory since early 2023.”

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