Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
Iranian Intelligence sites in Syria that were attacked

On Friday morning, the IDF Spokesperson’s Office issued aerial photographs of several Iranian facilities that were attacked by the Israeli Air Force during Operation House of Cards early Thursday morning. The published photographs show the Tel Gharba, Tel Kleb, Tel Maqdad, Tel Nabi Yusha, and the logistic military installations of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force near Damascus.

Iranian logistical site near Damascus that was attacked / Photo credit: IDF Spokesperson

During the operation, about 50 Iranian targets were attacked in Syria, reaching intelligence positions, outposts, headquarters and equipment storage facilities in 16 different locations across the country.

Quds Force Military compound that was attacked / Photo credit: IDF Spokesperson

Reports in Israeli media on Friday morning suggested the Russians were not necessarily unhappy to see Iran get a severe nose bleed from the Israeli attacks, since Iran has introduced an unacceptable level of instability to the area the Russians have been trying to tame back for their client, President al-Assad.

It is roughly estimated that Iran has some 4,000 Revolutionary Guards military personnel, instructors, advisers and soldiers stationed in Syria. In addition, about 8,000 Hezbollah fighters are deployed in Syria as well, along with some 40,000 fighters in Shi’ite militias from Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. None of these are particularly loyal to the Russian mission statement in Syria…

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