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Hezbollah forces in Lebanon

Operatives from the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization opened fire at Lebanese civilians Wednesday night.

Two Lebanese civilians were killed.


The incident began when a truck carrying a delivery for Hezbollah – accounts differ as to whether the truck carried ammunition, weaponry or captagon pills – flipped over. (Captagon is among the drugs trafficked worldwide from Lebanon, raising cash for the terrorist group.)

Hezbollah operatives quickly raced to cover the truck and conceal its contents.

Nearby Christian Lebanese residents trotted over to see what was in the truck and were shot by Hezbollah members.

Defense Minister Shot
In a separate incident, Lebanese Defense Minister Maurice Salim was wounded when everal shots from the gunfire hit the rear window of the minister’s vehicle as he was traveling in the Jasser al-Basha area.

There is some speculation in Lebanese media that it was actually a failed assassination attempt; other sources claimed that it was stray shots from a funeral that was taking place nearby.

According to Israeli journalist Roi Kais, the Lebanese newspaper Nida’a al-Watan reported that it is believed the gunfire originated from a shooting in the southern suburb of Beirut during the funeral of a Hezbollah operative who was killed Wednesday night following the overturning of the organization’s truck.

Targeting Iranian Weapons Meant for Hezbollah
Earlier this week, Israel reportedly attacked military targets around Damascus, killing four and wounding four others.

The attack was allegedly aimed at warehouses containing advanced Iranian-made weapons, but no details were available.

Hezbollah receives its weapons and production technology from Iran, which also provides advanced training and generous financial support to its proxy.

Could Hezbollah Get Chemical Weapons from Syria?
Experts at the Security Research Institute in northern Israel (Alma) recently warned of the danger of Syrian chemical weapons falling into the hands of Hezbollah and related Iranian proxies, such as Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization and its ally, the Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group.

The Syrian CERS center, officially an “institute for civil scientific research” is actually a weapons development and production facility that includes creation of chemical weapons. The center has come under “almost absolute Iranian control,” Alma reported, adding that it is currently managed by Hezbollah.

The CERS complex, which has centers throughout Syria, is among the sites repeatedly targeted by Israeli air strikes.

Syrian Cooperation with Iran
Iranian clerics, lawmakers and military officers frequently meet with Syrian government officials.

Earlier this week, a delegation from Iran’s Shura Council led by National Security and Foreign Policy Committee chair Vahid Jalalzadeh arrived Monday in Damascus for a three-day series of meetings with senior Syrian officials, according to the Syrian Observer.

The Iranian representatives met with top Syrian government officials, including Prime Minister Hussein Arnous, Al-Watan reported.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.