Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
The apartment building that was hit in Damascus, February 21, 2024.

The Syrian state news agency SANA on Wednesday morning reported that “Israeli aggression targeted a residential building in Kafar Sousah area in Damascus.”

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that “At least two persons were killed in the initial toll of the Israeli targeting of a residential apartment in Kafar Sousah area near the Iranian school in the Syrian capital, Damascus.”


“Leaders from the Lebanese Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guards frequent the area,” SOHR continued. “The targeting also caused injuries and material damage to the targeted apartment and the building it is located within, amid information about other deaths. This assassination is similar to the assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri, the vice president of Hamas and the movement’s leader in the West Bank after a drone targeted the movement’s offices in the southern suburb of Beirut.”

The prestigious Kafar Sousah neighborhood is located in the southwestern part of Damascus, and is home to the Syrian Council of Ministers, the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Iranian “cultural centers.” It is also home to a heavily-guarded complex belonging to Syria’s security agencies which was targeted by Israeli rockets on February 22, 2023. Reuters reported at the time that Iranian technical experts were meeting with Syrian military officers to discuss the development of drones. A source told Reuters “The strike hit the center where they were meeting as well as an apartment in a residential building. One Syrian engineer and one Iranian official – not high-ranking – were killed.”

Since the beginning of 2024, SOHR has documented 13 Israeli attacks on the Syrian territory: eight airstrikes and five rocket attacks by ground forces. Those attacks destroyed nearly 31 targets, including weapons and ammunition warehouses, headquarters, centers, and vehicles.

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