Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
IRGC Senior Commander Hassan Askari was removed from the group’s active ranks Tuesday morning, January 9, 2024.

Israel appears to be taking out IRGC, Hezbollah, and Hamas’s top commanders at a faster pace than world media can keep up with. The most recent victim: IRGC Senior Commander General Hassan Askari who was eliminated in an Israeli airstrike in Beit Jinn in southern Syria. Whatever information Israel is relying on, in recent weeks it has run circles around the Iranian regime and all its axis of evil militias.


On Tuesday morning, a spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry condemned “the Zionist regime’s assassination of top Hezbollah commander Wissam al-Tawil in southern Lebanon,” saying Israel’s resort to “organized terror attacks” poses a “threat to regional and international peace and security.”

OK, that’s funny, you’ll have to admit.

And just as the spokesman finished condemning Israel for taking out al-Tawil, the social networks started reverberating with news of the removal of Askari. That’s even less peace and security for Iran.

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