Photo Credit: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
Alleged Israeli attack on Damascus airport, October 27, 2022.

The Syrian army air defenses “repelled an Israeli missile aggression that targeted a number of posts in the surroundings of Damascus and downed most of the hostile missiles,” SANA reported Thursday morning.

“At close to 12:30 AM Thursday, October 27, the Israeli enemy carried out a missile aggression from the direction of the occupied Palestinian territories, targeting some posts in the vicinity of Damascus,” a military source told SANA. The source added that losses were limited to “materials.”


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights cited sources confirming that at least four Israeli missiles had hit areas around Damascus airport, while loud explosions were heard in the area of Sayeda Zeinab and near Damascus airport.

The SOHR added: “It is worth noting that this is the 28th attack by Israel since early 2022.”

That’s one whole February…

On Saturday, IDF sources told Walla that Israel has managed to destroy 90% of the Iranian-Hezbollah plans to establish a base in Syria.

According to them, in recent years, Israel has succeeded in almost completely curbing Iran’s ability to transfer weapons into Syria, manufacture weapons on the country’s soil, and establish itself there in pro-Iranian bases and forces.

According to the same sources, the great plan of the commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani––who was assassinated by the US in January 2020––to establish large forces in Syria, did not come to fruition thanks to the IDF’s War Between the Wars campaign using airstrikes to mow down those efforts.

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