Photo Credit: SANA
An Israeli air attack on the port of Latakia, Dec. 7, 2021.

According to the official Syrian news agency SANA, “the Israeli occupation entity carried out a missile attack targeting the container yard in Latakia’s commercial port.”

Syrian TV reported that Latakia had been shaken by five huge explosions.


According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the target for the Israeli attack was an arms shipment intended for pro-Iranian militias in Syria.

The last attack on Syria that was attributed to Israel took place on the night of November 24, when SANA reported that the Israeli Air Force attacked the center of the country. But there was a major difference between that report, which was barely noticeable, to Tuesday’s report which is lavish, packed with multiple images and two video clips. It’s almost as if someone in Damascus is happy that those pesky Iranians took it on the chin.

Makes you wonder if someone over in Damascus also picked up the phone to tell the Israelis there was this fresh weapons shipment just waiting to be bombed?

SANA cited a military source as saying that at around 1:23 AM, Tuesday, “the Israeli enemy carried out an air aggression with several missiles from the direction of the Mediterranean, southwest of Latakia, targeting the container yard in the commercial port of Latakia.” The source indicated that “the aggression led to the ignition of several commercial containers in the aforementioned place.”

Latakia Governor Amer Ismail Hilal told SANA: “The firefighting teams were able to put out the fires that erupted in the port’s container yard as a result of the Israeli aggression, and they are currently working to cool the site.”

The outgoing head of the IDF Military Intelligence, Major General Tamir Heiman, said this week that Israel had succeeded in “preventing the Iranians’ attempt to take root in Syria.”

Here are the images SANA posted Tuesday morning for all the world to see just how badly its friend Iran had been beaten:

An Israeli air attack on the port of Latakia, Dec. 7, 2021. / SANA
An Israeli air attack on the port of Latakia, Dec. 7, 2021. / SANA
An Israeli air attack on the port of Latakia, Dec. 7, 2021. / SANA
An Israeli air attack on the port of Latakia, Dec. 7, 2021. / SANA
An Israeli air attack on the port of Latakia, Dec. 7, 2021. / SANA
An Israeli air attack on the port of Latakia, Dec. 7, 2021. / SANA
An Israeli air attack on the port of Latakia, Dec. 7, 2021. / SANA
An Israeli air attack on the port of Latakia, Dec. 7, 2021. / SANA

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