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Iranian Revolutionary Guards

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Tuesday that the Israeli attacks in Syria yesterday killed at least 21 soldiers, including 12 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the rest Syrian army soldiers.

Overnight Monday, the Israeli Air Force attacked targets of the Iranian Quds Force inside Syrian territory, as well as Syrian air defense batteries, in retaliation of the Sunday firing of a surface-to-surface missile from Syrian territory in the direction of the Mt. Hermon ski resort.


The attack focused on military targets belonging to the Quds Force in Syria, including weapons storage sites—primarily a site at Damascus International Airport; an Iranian intelligence site; and an Iranian training camp.

IDF Spokesman Ronen Manelis said that “the sites attacked were Quds Force infrastructures, the weapons storage center at Damascus International Airport. We attacked it extensively and it generated a lot of secondary explosions and fire. We warned the Syrians not to fire antiaircraft missiles at us, but in practice dozens of surface-to-air missiles were fired.”

“Our attack was carried out in three waves of warplanes, based on information collected by Military Intelligence,” Manelis said. “The Syrian regime allows the Iranians to use a civilian international airport, some of the Iranian targets that were attacked were inside Syrian military camps. The Syrians who fired anti-aircraft missiles paid a heavy price.”

“Iran is exploiting Syria, and Syria is paying a heavy price,” Manelis said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the attack in Syria last night, and said that “Israel’s action was its basic right to defend itself. We will continue to take all the necessary action to protect our people and protect our borders. We will continue to respond forcefully against anyone who wants to harm us.”

“Iran threatens the values ​​of freedom, freedom and peace,” Netanyahu added, “Yesterday Iran fired a missile at us to threaten our citizens, and we see this as an aggressive and unacceptable move. Israel will continue to curb Iran’s efforts to use Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza as bases to attack Israel. No country should stand idly by when it is under attack.”

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