Turkey Moving Into Syria, Building Military Base in Aleppo
A Turkish military presence in Syrian territory could present a real threat to the State of Israel.
Turkey Bars Israel from NATO Military Drill
"Blocking Israel’s cooperation with NATO does not contribute to stability; rather, it undermines the alliance’s core values,” an Israeli official said.
DM Katz Preparing Surprise for Next ‘Gaza Freedom Flotilla’
DM Katz proved once again how important it was for his office to be run by a civilian with a sense of humor.
Erdogan Meets with Syria’s New President Al-Shara’a in Ankara
If Turkey succeeds in establishing military bases in central Syria, such a move would likely prove a new, possibly deadlier threat to the Jewish State.
Qatar, Turkey Expected to Take in Bulk of Arab Terrorists Released as Part of...
In Egypt, the released terrorists were welcomed by representatives of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Erdoğan Warns Israel, US: ‘Get Your Hands Off Syria’
"Israel and all others attacking in Syria must end their aggressive actions at once," the Turkish president said.
Turkish Chief Rabbi Dead at 84
Israeli President Isaac Herzog said Rabbi Ishak Haleva would be remembered as "a great leader and educator."
Syria’s New Leader Set to Visit Erdogan in Turkey
When and if al-Shara’a goes to Ankara, it is likely the agenda for talks will focus on the fighting between US and Turkish-backed Kurdish forces.
At Anti-Israel Rally, Erdoğan’s Son says Gaza Will Win
Tens of thousands of Turks attended the protest in Istanbul on New Year's Day.
Iranian Abduction Plot Against Israeli Journalist in Turkey Foiled
“It’s terrifying to think how close they came to carrying this out.”
Turkey Tightening its Grip on Northern Syria
“Ankara has been a major player in Syria's conflict."
US Pressuring Turkey to Curb Rebels in Syria, Save Assad’s Hide
Pentagon officials said on Monday that US troops in northwest Syria are staying out of the conflict.
Kushners Donate Millions to Chabad Abu Dhabi Following Murder of Rabbi
The three terrorists who abducted and murdered the rabbi, Uzbek citizens, were extradited from Turkey to the UAE, where they face the death penalty.
Report: Hamas Leaders Have Quit Qatar, Headed to Turkey
Ankara has long been a warm friend to Hamas, a vicious terrorist organization spawned by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Herzog Blocked by Turkey from Attending COP29 in Azerbaijan
Herzog was expected to travel on Israel’s official “Wing of Zion” government aircraft.
Soon Kicked Out of Qatar, Hamas Contemplates New Safe Havens
Hamas sources threatened on Saturday that pressuring Qatar to expel Hamas leaders from the country would have an impact on the negotiations “which is not in the interest of America and Israel.”
Turkish FM Says Israel Plans Pushing PA Arabs to Egypt and Jordan
"Israel’s main goal is to force the Palestinian people from Gaza into Egypt and from the West Bank into Jordan,” the top diplomat said.
International Insurance Assessor: 1 in 5 Turkish Companies Faces Bankruptcy
Turkey’s sad economic state of affairs is not affected by its worsening trade relations with Israel, but it doesn’t help.
Tel Aviv Suicide Bombing Masterminded by Hamas HQ in Turkey
In March, Israeli authorities thwarted a deadly terror attack directed from Hamas’s offices in Turkey.
IDF: Turkish-US Anarchist Led Mob in Hurling Rocks at Forces in Beita
US Ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken cautioned no conclusions could be reached without first investigating all the facts.
Report: Erdogan’s Rabid Antisemitism Is a Sign of his Political Weakness
Ankara has imposed a trade embargo on Israel, sought to join South Africa’s case in The Hague accusing Israel of genocide, and invited PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to address its parliament.
Israel Confirms Turkey Refused to Release Haniyeh’s Fortune to His Sons
"How did Haniyeh, born in the Al-Shati refugee camp, amass such a fortune? . . . And most importantly, what is Erdoğan's connection to the money?"
Eli Kopter’s Co-Conspirator Amit Nakesh Exposed by Turkish Media
It began on Wednesday with a tweet by influencer Dr. Eli David.
Turkish President’s Delusions of Grandeur: New Ottoman Empire Begins with Israel
Erdogan apparently entertains delusions that he could and might someday invade Israel to aid in its conquest by terrorists.
Dutch MP Wants Turkey Out of NATO for Threatening to Invade Israel
“This guy is totally nuts,” tweeted Geert Wilders, the leader of Holland’s Party for Freedom, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday that...
Shin Bet Thwarts Terror Attack Directed by Hamas in Turkey
An M-16 assault rifle was confiscated as well as tens of thousands of dollars received from the Hamas headquarters in Turkey.
Turkish Mouthpiece Says Jews Want to ‘Kill JC Again’, Warns Jews Control the World
The cleverly couched lies expressed by the writer with hysterical paranoia are clearly geared towards inspiring Christian fear, if not outright hate, against Jews.
Turkey Won’t Refuel El Al Plane after Emergency Landing
A doctor who was on Flight LY5102 from Warsaw (WAW) to Israel decided an immediate landing was required.
Turkish Intelligence Chief Meets with Ismail Haniyeh
On June 3, Israel’s Shin Bet thwarted a deadly attack planned by Hamas under the direction of the terror organization’s headquarters in Turkey.
Hamas Conditions Hostage Deal on Permanent IDF Withdrawal, Chinese and Turkish Guarantees
Blinken noted regarding Hamas, “you have to question whether they’re proceeding in good faith or not.”