Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday afternoon issued a statement in response to comments made by Turkish President Recap Erdogan who compared Netanyahu to Hitler.

“Erdogan,” said Netanyahu, “who is committing genocide against the Kurds and who holds the world record for imprisoning journalists who oppose his regime, is the last person who can preach morality to us.”


Netanyahu also defended the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) from attacks calling it “the most moral army in the world,” and saying that it is “fighting to eliminate the most abhorrent and brutal terrorist organization in the world, Hamas-ISIS, which has committed crimes against humanity, and which Erdogan has praised and whose leaders he hosts.”

While speaking in public Erdogan compared Israel’s war in Gaza to the murder of Jews during the Holocaust, saying that what is happening is “worse than Hitler” and that “What Netanyahu is doing [in Gaza] is no less than what Hitler did.”

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