Photo Credit: Tzur Hadassah Spokesperson
An intercepted Houthi ballistic missile that fell near Tzur Hadassah. Sept. 28, 2024.

The Houthis in Yemen once again launched a ballistic missile at Israel, for the third time in two weeks.

Residents of Jerusalem and Gush Etzion heard and saw the explosion as the missile was intercepted over the Jerusalem region on Saturday afternoon.


A piece of the missile landed on road 375 near Tzur Hadassah, just outside Jerusalem. No one was injured.

Rocket alert sirens for the attack were heard in Tel Aviv, but not Jerusalem. It appears that the Tel Aviv region was the intended target before the missile was intercepted. New reports indicate the Houthis were aiming for Ben Gurion airport, hoping to hit Netanyahu’s plane, on his way back to Israel.

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