Photo Credit: Liron Moldovan / Flash 90
A drone fired from Yemen hit a residential building in Yavne, December 9, 2024.

A drone struck the penthouse floor of a 15-story residential building in Yavne, central Israel, Monday morning without triggering an alarm. No casualties were reported. The IDF announced that the drone had been launched from Yemen, and was investigating why an alarm was not triggered.

Fire and rescue services reported that two apartments were hit by the unmanned aircraft and firefighters were taking control of the fire that broke out. Police said that its officers were scanning the scene in search of remains that may contain explosives.


An IDF spokesperson reported: “Reports were received of a suspected aerial object falling in the area of the city of Yavne. No alert was activated.”

Local residents reported hearing a UAV immediately before the explosion. “I heard a strange buzzing and then a loud noise. It was definitely a UAV,” a woman living in the building who witnessed the attack told TPS.

Videos taken by residents show the aircraft hitting the top floor of the building and smoke immediately rising from it. Footage from the balcony of one of the damaged apartments shows completely charred garden furniture alongside broken glass and extensive destruction, and there is a lot of shrapnel in the area.

There was only one casualty, the dog belonging to one of the families on the top floor.

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