Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Avi Maoz in the Knesset. July 19, 2021

The Israeli Cabinet on Sunday was expected to approve the appointment of Noam Party leader and sole representative in the Knesset Avi Maoz as a deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Office.

Maoz will return to the position three months after submitting his resignation and will oversee the Jewish National Identity Authority, whose establishment the government was also expected to approve on Sunday.


Maoz threatened to withhold his vote for the state budget passed last week unless the authority was established. In the end, he voted for the 2023-24 budget along with every other member of the 64-seat coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Jewish National Identity Authority will receive a budget this year of 120 million shekels ($32 million) and next year of 165 million shekels ($44 million).

Education Minister Yoav Kisch clarified in a Twitter post published on Sunday morning that there would be “no change in the ministry’s policy and enrichment programs.”

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