Photo Credit: Josh Hasten
Ariel University's Hecht Library

Israel’s Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology will budget an additional 20 million Shekels ($5.5 million) in academic institutions in Judea and Samaria and the Golan.

The Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology is responsible for promoting applied research in academia. For this purpose, the Ministry promotes applied research support in research institutions to all universities and academic research bodies in Israel in an equal manner, also to Ariel University, institutions in Judea and Samaria and the Golan Heights.


“The addition of the special budget of 20 million Shekels that is expected to be brought up on Sunday in the government [meeting] is intended to compare the situation of the research institutions that do not receive funding from international funds for scientific cooperation due to their geographical location,” said the ministry.

“This addition is intended to equate their institutions in Judea and Samaria and the Golan) situation with other institutions in Israel that receive funding from international programs, and to compensate research and development institutions that are not included in international funding agreements and are not entitled to access grants due to their geographic location,” said Innovation, Science and Technology Minister Gila Gamliel. “In addition, Israeli researchers are dealing with issues of boycotts and in order to deal with this it is necessary to think outside the box. This is an existential need for these institutions.”

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