Udi Klein, the director of the School of the Arts, Arison Campus, a specialized high school in Tel Aviv, announced on Monday that he is going on vacation and sources close to the school don’t believe he is coming back, following a Channel 12 report on Sunday that he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old boy.
In 2021, another teacher from the same school was accused of raping a female student, 14, and sentenced to seven years in prison, and paid his victim NIS 200,000 ($52,000).
Back in November 2021, when left-wing Meretz Party’s member of the Tel Aviv City Council Etai Pinkas Arad who advises the mayor on LGBT affairs was accused of having liaisons with underage boys, a group called the Gay Youth recommended appointing Udi Klein to a special panel to advise a committee of inquiry on sex abuse, headed by retired Judge Nava Ben-Or.
Klein, who was accused of abusing a 16-year-old boy as well, has been a loud voice of the Kaplan protests against the judicial reforms. He was recorded carrying a lively speech, dressed in a T-shirt adorned by the ubiquitous slogan, “Democratia.”
Right-wing activist, attorney Kinneret Barashi, tweeted in response: “So, what did we have so far on the Kaplan stage?
אז מה היה לנו על בימת קפלן?
אחד אבי חימי , יו"ר הלשכה המודח בשל חשד להתערטלות מול מצלמה לעיני עורכת דין בניגוד לרצונה.
אחד איבגי, עבריין מין מורשע.
אחד אהוד ברק, ששמו נקשר בשמו של פדופיל והסרסור אפשטיין.
אחד אהוד אולמרט, עבריין מורשע בשוחד
אחד אודי קליין מנהל בית ספר שחשוד…
— Kinneret Barashi כנרת בראשי (@BarashiKinneret) October 2, 2023
“One Avi Himi, the chairman of the Bar Association, who was removed from office on suspicion of exposing himself on Zoom before a female colleague against her will.
“One Moshe Ivgy, a convicted sex offender.
“One Ehud Barak, whose name is associated with pedophile and pimp Jeffrey Epstein.
“One Ehud Olmert, a convicted criminal who served time for bribery/
“One Udi Klein, a school principal suspected of having sex with minors, his school’s students.
“These are the shepherds of the flock.”