In a series of interviews with the Associated Press, Palestinian officials have detailed a plan of incrimination and isolation it expects to employ in the event that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is re-elected in January.
The Arab leaders said they would use the new status of “Palestine” as a nonmember observer state in the United Nations to attack Israel with charges of war crimes in the International Court of Jusice, encourage international sanctions and boycotts of Israel, and sever security agreements between Israel and other countries. It will also encourage PA Arabs to engage in face-to-face violent protests against Israeli soldiers in Judea and Samaria. The local population targeted by Arab leaders to convince to participate in those encounters is typically teenage, increasing the publicity value of media coming from the events and trapping soldiers in legal quagmires when dealing with minors.
The PA will also continue to push a building freeze in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, with officials saying they may stop cooperating with Israeli security forces in the region.