Photo Credit: Erik Marmor/Flash90
Anarchists blocked Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv and tried to set fire to police officers at the end of Yom Kippur, October 12, 2024.

To get the true measure of what took place on Saturday night, after Yom Kippur, on Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv, you must watch the entire video below – the viciousness of these anarchists is revealed near the end. Feel free to turn off the sound of jungle drums and crazy shouting, you won’t miss much:


Saturday night, at the end of Yom Kippur, a handful of anarchists protesting against the government violated public order by blocking Tel Aviv’s Ayalon Highway and setting tires on fire. Police forces arrived at the scene shortly thereafter and put out the burned tires, arrested 5 rioters, and opened the road to vehicle traffic.

What you see in the video above took place later, as protesters gathered on Begin Road in Tel Aviv, blocked the car lanes, and tried to light a fire. Police officers operating at the scene noticed a pile of wooden boards and combustible materials. While trying to prevent the pile from igniting, a flaming object was thrown from among the protesters which ignited a large fire, nearly burning alive the policemen who were trying to stop the bonfire from igniting.

As you can see in the video, policemen and civilians were almost burned alive as a result of the ignited fire and only thanks to one policeman’s use of a fire extinguisher was a major tragedy prevented.

“We take seriously the risk to civilians and the police who work day and night, constantly engaged in securing and guarding of the demonstrators against terrorist attacks and other uncommon events,” the Police said in a statement, adding, “The freedom of protest and expression is not a freedom to endanger the lives of civilians and police officers, to set fires, to block roads, and to impair the freedom of movement of many.”

OK, now that you’ve seen and read all this, in your opinion, how many anarchists were indicted for attempted murder?

If your response was any number higher than zero, you haven’t lived here long enough.

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