Photo Credit: Israel Police
This car was stolen in central Israel by a resident of central Gaza, February 18, 2024.

Central District police officers from the Rosh Ha’Ein station overnight Monday identified a vehicle that aroused their suspicion and blocked it in the seam line area near the PA border. A check of the driver’s details revealed that he was a 29-year-old resident of the Nuseirat “refugee camp” in the center of the Gaza Strip.

The police arrested the man on suspicion of stealing the car, and at the end of his interrogation, he was jailed, ahead of a court hearing on remanding his incarceration.


On Saturday night, a resident of eastern Jerusalem, 20 was arrested after stealing a car. The suspect started driving toward the north of the city, and at one point spotted police officers and tried to run away, from accelerating his speed. He committed serious traffic violations and, police suspected, was trying to escape with the stolen vehicle to the Palestinian Authority.

During the suspect’s escape in the stolen vehicle, he hit police cars and oncoming vehicles. At one point, when the police were chasing him, the suspect got out of the car and tried to escape on foot. He was caught by the Jerusalem District and Judea and Samaria District Police.

In early February, a resident of Khan Younes was arrested on the highway to Jerusalem after having stolen a scooter in central Israel.

As soon as the theft had been reported, the police and Border Guard in the Jerusalem District were organized to locate the stolen vehicle and prevent it from being transferred to Judea and Samaria. The police located the scooter as soon as it entered Highway 1, the major traffic artery to Jerusalem where, needless to say, scooters should not enter. The police stopped the scooter and arrested the Gazan thief. A brief search of his person revealed hacking tools and gloves.

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