Photo Credit: Google Maps
The intersection of Mykonos and Aisopou streets in Athens

Greek authorities on Thursday apprehended seven individuals suspected of orchestrating arson attacks on Israeli-linked establishments in Athens. The Anti-Terrorism Service announced these arrests in connection with two incidents that occurred on June 8 and 15.

The first attack targeted an Israeli-owned hotel in the Psirri district of downtown Athens, at the intersection of Mykonos and Aisopou streets, not far from the Acropolis. Perpetrators broke the windows of the ground-floor restaurant, igniting a fire with flammable-soaked clothing. The second incident involved the Chabad House nearby, where assailants poured gasoline at the entrance to start a blaze. Both fires were swiftly extinguished, limiting damage.


Three suspects—two men and a woman—were linked to the hotel attack. They were traced after dropping a mobile phone while fleeing. Surveillance footage also aided in their identification.

The Chabad House attack, reportedly not the first targeting of this location, involved a Greek national, an Iranian, and an Afghan. They were identified through video evidence, a stolen motorcycle abandoned near the scene, and an air pistol dropped during their escape.

An Afghan inmate, currently serving a long sentence for murder, is also implicated. He was extradited from Germany a year ago on a European arrest warrant issued by Greek authorities. One arrestee claimed this prisoner offered a 3,000-euro reward for executing the arson attacks.

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