Photo Credit: Shutterbug75 / Pixabay

Israeli Agriculture Ministry inspectors thwarted attempts to smuggle 315 kg of chicken and mutton from the Palestinian Authority in two separate incidents.

In one incident, at the Meitar checkpoint south of Hebron, an Israeli man in his 30s was caught trying to smuggle 215 kg. of mutton into Israel. Authorities said the meat was found unrefrigerated in the trunk of his car and did not have the required veterinary documentation. Some of the meat had been imported from Spain.


The driver admitted intended to take the mutton to markets in Ofakim.

In the second incident, a private vehicle was stopped at the Hashmonaim crossing near the PA village of Nilin. Inspectors found 100 kg of fresh chicken meat in the trunk, without refrigeration or veterinary documentation. The suspect admitted that the poultry was from the Palestinian Authority and was intended to be sold to markets in Lod.

The meat from both incidents was destroyed.

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