The Day of Disruptions of the opponents of the judicial reform and the legally elected government started Tuesday morning, one week after the Day of Resistance. My suggestion for next week is Day of Defiance, although most Israelis would be very happy to see a Day of Detention for the ten thousand or so boomers and trust fund babies who can afford to create this mayhem while their fellow citizens are just trying to get to work.
יום שיבושים ארצי:
הבימה עכשיו pic.twitter.com/r84HszZz4f— Ossi Goodbeer דמוקרטית ???? (@GoodbeerOssi) July 18, 2023
On Tuesday, the mostly-boomer anarchists plan to focus on the Israel Railways platforms, to make the lives of commuters a living hell after last week they did the same with Israelis going on their summer vacation at Ben Gurion International. Pundit Yotam Zimri suggested on Channel 14’s Patriots Monday night that the protesters’ choices of locations reflect their dwindling numbers – from a hundred thousand blocking Ayalon Highway in the spring down to the significantly smaller Ben Gurion terminals, to the even smaller yet train platforms. He believes next week they’ll be blocking bike lanes.
לכל מי שדאג לגבי החום, המפגינים הביאו מטריות ודואגים למים וניגוב זיעה לכל האזוקים. לא יודע איך זה יעזור מול החום של האספלט אבל זו גם התחלה. המספר של האזוקים עלה לעשרות, חלק עם שרשראות אופניים חלק עם שרשראות חוליות, אחרים עם צינורות. pic.twitter.com/naAIiWKXIX
— Bar Peleg (@bar_peleg) July 18, 2023
These are the main protest area on Tuesday, so you can avoid them:
06:30 gathering at the Habima national theater
08:00 Beit Yanai Bridge, Gedera, at the Herzl/Ben Gurion intersection
08:30 Kfar Saba and Ra’anana, on interchange 531
08:30 Hod Hasharon, Sokolov train station
09:30 Demonstrations in sheltered homes and nursing homes: Tzahalah Estate; Sasha Argov 18, Tel Aviv; Migdali Hayam Hatichon; Derech Hayam 4, Gani Tikva
09:30 The Histadrut building on Arlosoroff Street in Tel Aviv
10:00 Yad Mordechai Junction
10:30 Women’s demonstration in front of the Rabbinical Courts
12:00 Petah Tikva, Martin Gehl Street
12:00 Ramat Gan, Elit Junction
4:00 PM Protests at five Israel Railways platforms: Haifa Center, Merkaz Hashmona, Binyamina, Herzliya, Tel Aviv HaShalom, Lod.
5:30 Lev Hasharon, Gesher Drorim
6:00 Agrant Square, Jerusalem
6:00 Hadera, Police junction
6:30 The US Embassy, Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv
6:30 Atlit, Neve Moshe Bridge
6:45 Ein Yahav intersection
7:00 Mishmar Hasharon, Ha’Ogen intersection
7:00 Acco, Ein Hamifratz intersection
7:00 Ha’Kariya, Kaplan 36, Tel Aviv (the defense ministry)
7:00 Ein Harod, Issachar Junction
7:30 Eliakim Bridge
7:30 Arad, the entrance junction
7:30 Tzemach intersection
8:00 Beer Sheva, Sderot Reger
8:00 Eilat
8:30 Kaplan and other main centers throughout the country
There will also be a protest of Israeli boomers and trust fund babies in Washington DC on Wednesday, to coincide with President Itzhak Herzog’s White House visit. Our friends in NY who don’t know I’m listening just WhatsApped: “We also need a bit of your support. Our funds, previously collected for equipment and printing costs, are nearly over. We are during a critical fight till the end of the Knesset’s summer conference in two weeks (obvious Hebrew syntax – DI). Right after that, we will continue our fight for Israeli democracy – as we know, the eternal nation does not fear a long journey! 🙂 (sic.) If you could make a donation, no matter how small, we would truly appreciate it.

That’s it. Enjoy the embedded images. Take something calming and lie down, preferably in an air-conditioned room. This madness should pass by July 31.