Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
United Hatzalah equipment was found in the possession of a PA ambulance crew.

In the aftermath of a recently thwarted terrorist attack near Ateret in the Binyamin region, United Hatzalah reported that its equipment was found in the possession of a PA ambulance crew.

On Tuesday, IDF soldiers neutralized a terrorist after an attempted stabbing near the town of Ateret, and United Hatzalah volunteers who responded to the incident were surprised to discover members of a PA ambulance crew wearing UH bulletproof vests. UH Helmets and other equipment belonging to the organization were found inside the Arab ambulance.

United Hatzalah equipment was found in the possession of a PA ambulance crew. / United Hatzalah

United Hatzalah volunteers immediately alerted the police, who opened an investigation into the unauthorized possession of the organization’s equipment to determine how the equipment had ended up in the hands of the PA ambulance team.

United Hatzalah issued a statement expressing deep concern and disappointment over the incident. The organization is fully cooperating with the ongoing police investigation and has called for enhanced security measures to prevent future incidents that could compromise the integrity of emergency medical services in the region.

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