Photo Credit: Police Spokesperson’s Office
Illegal PA Arabs were detained by Border Guard fighters and handed over to Tel Aviv Police for interrogation overnight Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

Illegal PA Arabs were detained by Border Guard fighters and handed over to Tel Aviv Police for interrogation overnight on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.
Police Spokesperson’s Office

An Israeli woman residing in Tel Aviv on Monday reported to the police 100 emergency number about illegal PA Arabs who were staying in an apartment building in the Shapira neighborhood in south Tel Aviv.


The report followed the explosion of a suicide bomber, an illegal PA Arab from Shechem, following a work accident: his backpack with 8 kgs of explosives blew up, spreading his bits outside a synagogue in south Tel Aviv (Failed Suicide Bomber Killed in Tel Aviv Explosion that Could End with Mass Casualties).

The Border Guard officers responded to the alert and arrived at a complex containing several apartments, where their searches yielded 34 illegals from Judea and Samaria.

Security forces are tightening the enforcement against illegals from the PA. On Sunday, police officers of the Tel Aviv North station arrested three PA residents who were illegally working on the renovation of a kindergarten in Tel Aviv. Their employer was detained for a criminal investigation and consideration of administrative penalties.

The detainees, two from Area C and one from Jenin, were caught on Kehilat Varsha Street in Tel Aviv, without residence permits, while they were working on renovating a kindergarten located in the heart of a residential area.

MK Yulia Malinovsky (Israel Beitenu) on Monday tweeted: “As in the north and the south, the seamline settlements are also abandoned to their fate! Today we conducted a fact-finding tour of the Emek Hafer Regional Council settlements along the seam line. The representatives of these settlements shared their heavy sense of insecurity and a feeling that they were alone.

“We reached the fence that separates them from Tulkarm and we heard about incessant shootings and the infiltration by hundreds of illegals daily while the government is simply not on board. I passed legislation in the Knesset that gives the police and enforcement agencies the tools to fight the illegal PA Arabs phenomenon, but the way the government’s and the security forces’ policy toward the illegals is going, it’s like emptying water from a bucket full of holes.

“This promiscuity must end so God forbid that October 7 does not repeat itself here!”

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