Photo Credit: Flash90
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a press conference, March 11, 2020.

An IDF soldier was arrested Monday night for posting a death threat against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Police stated that the Lahav 433’s cyber unit arrested a 21-year-old suspect from the north of the country on suspicion of publishing a post threatening to harm the prime minister.


The soldier said on social media that “there is a solution and it is to take down Bibi. It unjustly happened in the past to a prime minister.”

He was relating to the 1995 assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin.

“But now that we have a prime minister who is taking down his citizens. Apparently, this [an assassination] will happen again, and rightly so, and the cops who are his slaves should also be stoned to death. This is the solution,” the suspect added.

The soldier has reportedly previously posted violent messages against Netanyahu and the government.

“A few days ago, I filed a complaint with the police about a series of threats to murder me and my family. Today, unfortunately, I had to file another complaint against a vile person who detailed how he intended to murder me and my family,” Netanyahu wrote in a Facebook post on Monday.

“When will the media and the left, who do not stop for a moment in their attempts to bring down a right-wing prime minister, finally condemn the unruly and incessant incitement against me and against my family?” Netanyahu demanded.

Other individuals have recently been questioned after voicing threats against Netanyahu and his family.

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.