Photo Credit: Eitan Elhadez/TPS
Illustration Image.

A 30-year-old police officer was shot and killed in a terror attack on Highway 4 at the Yavne (Nir Galim) Interchange near Ashdod on Tuesday morning. Four others were wounded as well, including one who was shot at a nearby second location.


A total of five people were wounded after the terrorist opened fire on police officers in the area.

The terrorist was ultimately neutralized by a passing civilian who received his gun license three months ago thanks to the gun licensing reforms introduced by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

The civilian, an MDA volunteer who happened to be at the scene noticed what was happening, exited his vehicle, and immediately shot the terrorist. “I was driving and noticed a person with a weapon standing on the road. At first, I thought he was a police officer, then shots were fired at me. I ducked and then jumped out of the vehicle, drew my gun, and shot him. I feel like I fulfilled my civic duty,” he said.

A 53-year-old man who also stopped to assist was lightly injured by a vehicle.

Two of the wounded were brought to Assuta Ashdod Medical Center, according to Ohad Yehezkeli, a spokesperson for the hospital. “One patient died on his way to the hospital; the other patient is being treated in the trauma room,” he said.

The second victim, age 42, is listed in fair (moderate) condition with shrapnel wounds from shattered glass resulting from the terrorist shooting at his vehicle at the nearby Nitzanim junction.

“We have been informed about two more wounded individuals who are on their way to the hospital including one, a hospital doctor, who stopped to help,” Yehezkeli added.

A spokesperson for Kaplan Medical Center said a moderately wounded 37-year-old victim arrived at the hospital with a gunshot wound to the thigh as well.

Police are pursuing a second suspect, according to Ben-Gvir’s office.

Following the incident and out of an abundance of caution, all the security forces and standby units were deployed in the city of Ashdod, the municipality said. Barriers were placed at the entrances and exits to the city.

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